Monday, March 18, 2019

PTO Officer Elections 2019

It's time to elect new officers for Laramie Montessori School's Parent-Teacher Organization!

The positions of President and Treasurer are up for election this year. Officers are elected for a two-year term that begins on June 30th. They are responsible for attending all Executive Board and Regular meetings. Executive Board meetings are held monthly; Regular meetings are held 3-5 times a year. Any parent or legal guardian of a LMS student is welcome to run for office, including parents of students who will be new to the school!

Specific duties (from the PTO bylaws):

Serve as the principal executive officer of the organization and, in general, supervise and control all of the activities of the organization. In executing these duties, the President shall be subject to the control of the Executive Board and general membership. Serve as a member of the Executive Board and preside at and fully participate in all meetings of the Executive Board and all meetings of the membership.

Serve as a member of the Executive Board. Have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization. Receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources. Deposit such funds to Laramie Montessori School or other such organizations as are selected by the Executive Board. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. Present a written financial report at each Regular Meeting of the membership, during Executive Board meetings and at other times as requested by the Executive Board.

If you'd like to serve as an officer in one of these positions, please send an e-mail to and indicate which position you'd like to run for. Include a short bio that can be displayed for parents and teachers as they consider who they'll be voting for. Please have the bio sent in by April 23rd. If you have more questions about what it's like to serve with our PTO, please e-mail us!

Voting will take place at our next regular meeting, April 30th at 6pm at Laramie Montessori School. If you are unable to attend that meeting, and would like to vote, a vote may be submitted in writing to the LMS front office staff no earlier than April 24th, and no later than 5:30pm on April 30th.

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